Sunday, January 13, 2008

69. absolutely nothing

that's right i have nothing to say. when i invented the daily blog, i figured the future of our band would hold noteworthy events and i'd be letting you in on them first hand, but the truth is... activity has never been less. i wake up, i eat food, i write, and i go out sometimes. NOTHING COOL HAPPENS!!! now my hope is that after writing this blog, our lives will somehow just blow the hell up and i will eat these boring words of mine. i feel on the verge of something... like a volcano that's got the shakes. we have a lot of great material stocked up and a song that's going to radio in the coming weeks (no date yet). as always, we'll keep you posted. a package came and i thought it was my pink tie, but it was a "new kids on the block" snap bracelet from 1991 (ask greg about that one). oh yeah and we impulse buy on ebay.



Anonymous said...

Sean, you've once again captured your nothingness perfectly, which somehow gives it substance anyway. Seems you’ve committed to absolutely nothing so early in the day considering its only approaching 1pm. Anyway, at least if and when I come over later for a surprise visit, your day will have gone from absolutely nothing to nothing better. Just kidding…maybe. PS. Get a Date's hard on the fans!

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