Tuesday, December 11, 2007

47. Studio Day 1

chad (drummer) from breaking benjamin is an animal... bendeth is also an animal... a crazy animal too, but it adds character to the studio experience. we sat in that rehearsal room for what seemed like a small eternity and just went over all sorts of different scenarios for how the song should go. we were scolded quite a bit (adam the most)... BUT the drums are now done... they sound sooo yummy. the song is definitely different... on the "more" side rather than less, but it's gonna be good i promise. now i go to sleep and wake up and do it all over again.... for 4 more days. i can't even imagine when you're in the studio for 4+ months straight doing a record. make sure to come to our myspace and watch us live on the webcam throughout the entire week. we should have sound the entire time tomorrow.

cya then!

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