Monday, December 17, 2007

48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. oops

sorry we haven't been keeping up... studio life has been JAM packed... especially when trying to get a song done in a timely fashion. we basically wake up early, drive to jersey to the studio, stay there till 2 in the morning, drive back, and sleep... there's no time for anything but studio and sleep!! we should have been done with the song by now but we're going to take the next 3 or so days to try some new stuff and polish up some loose ends. dave has been cool enough to offer that to us. SO in a few hours we head back to mess around... we really wanna nail it. i'm losing weight in the studio cuz i forget to eat... and when i do remember to eat it's mostly crap like lays chips to keep the vocals greasy.

anyhoo... i'll try and keep up with you guys. it's been hectic

do the giants squander the playoffs in their final 2 games? probably.

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