Tuesday, December 25, 2007

58. eve

today was a lovely day filled with seafood...shrimp, scallops, clams, salmon, (i only ate the shrimp and salmon) and yet another cookie cake. that's like 2 within a months time. crazy.

our latest studio endeavor was musically draining and somewhat stressful... there was a pivotal moment where we had already been there for a week, we had a nearly completed song... and we all just looked at each other with the same thought, "We could do this a lot better." so we decided to write off a lot of what we had already done as producer/artist getting familiar with each other, and basically start over with the drum track. within 2 days we had turned the song into a completely new and exciting creature. it was unreal, but we all felt the pressure.

i'm going to live out this week not even thinking about music and come back full strength in 2008. the new year will hopefully bring new ideas and new opportunities for our band. it will at least bring a new CD! i promise you that. it's awesome to have you guys following us via blogs through the boredom and the excitement.

merry christmas or whatever holiday you already celebrated or will celebrate this month.


1 comment:

Anthea said...


When are you guys going to do the webjam thing again? I've not been able to catch a single live video streaming thing yet. =(

and also, I've heard from reputable people, that fresh eggs are a completely balanced diet! you can just eat eggs for your whole life and be alright. the only thing that's missing is carbohydrates so just eat a slice of bread or potatoes or rice or something. egg up!