Friday, February 1, 2008

83. desert cactus

today was paint day (my dad... not us). Desert Cactus meets Autumn... something... i forget. tomorrow we're city-bound, and for once it's business-oriented. we stop in at Universal and get to hear the FINAL version of 'these are the nights'. we discuss a game plan for the song from here on out. we usually come out of meetings like this with no more knowledge then when we entered, but we're making it our goal to get at least one piece of valuable information. then adam drives me home and we write. a few more dates were added to the tour schedule today... keep checking our myspace for updated cities as they keep rolling in.

there's an awesome facebook scrabble application called scrabulous that greg and i have been playing. i'm 2 and 0 against him... "linesman" for 77 points was my dagger in our last battle royal. ya we're losers... gnight > sean

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